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- ==== ==
- March 22, 1992
- 11:30 PM
- Well ladies and gentlemen, here is version 2.12 of the FreeZe Dried
- Terminal. I believe it is the best version to date of the finest terminal
- program available for the ST.
- I wish to announce that unless v2.12 has some major flaws, this will be
- the last version for a few months. I believe that eight versions in
- seven months is a good record, and has brought FZT to a very nice point.
- Rest assured that I am continuing developement of FzDSTerm, but it has come
- to a point were some major rewriting is in order, and I can't do this and
- still release versions every month or so. There have been a few things that
- I have wanted to do with FZT for a LONG time, and I now believe I have the
- opertunity to do so. I want to put in the new user interface that I have
- been working on, which will take some time in itself. It looks and feels
- great, to say the least, and will reduce the program size along with the
- amount of RAM FZT uses. It is resolution independant, uses pure VDI, is
- fast, attractive, consistant, and will make FZT more fun and easier to work
- with.
- There have been a few things nagging me about FZT that I definitely
- want to change. The scrollback and text editor use a method of storing
- their text which is slow, buggy, and inefficient. I want to convert them to
- use something I have come up with. This will be nicer for people with less
- memory, as they will stay a fixed size. It also is nice for those of us
- with a bit more RAM, as there will not be a fixed limit on the number of
- lines that each will store.
- I want to completely rewrite the protocols, and add Z-modem and CIS B+
- to them. Once finished, they will become an internal part of FZT. This
- will be nicer on floppy users. I will definitely keep the external protocol
- slots, if you were worried.
- I want to improve the IGS emulation, one way or another. I should be
- getting in touch with Larry Mears, the author of the IGS emulator accessory
- and Interlink .EMU module. I want to figure out a way to have his modules
- be able to load into FZT, meaning I don't have to update my IGS emulation at
- all, and the newest version of IGS will always be supported by FZT. I also
- want to add VT-100, VT-102, VT-200, VT-220, and VT-3xx. I have had many
- requests for these, and I believe a complete terminal should be able to
- handle these DEC emulations.
- I would like to update the script files. I am not sure whether or not
- I want to keep the .DO compatible format, or create something new and better
- of my own.
- Stay tuned for this version of FZT. It should blow everything else off
- of the planet. I will also be accepting 20 or so people as beta-testers for
- this upcoming version. If you have had major problems with FZT in the past,
- have a TT or a weirdo graphics board, or are just a FZT addict, and are
- a registered user, have free time, are willing to write a lot of bug
- reports, and can afford calling my support board every once in a while, let
- me know.
- I would like to apologize to my registered users. You all have been
- great to me, and I appreciate it. Many of you have been waiting quite a
- while for your registered versions and are sick of waiting. Today I read a
- bunch of back-mail off of the FZT conference on GEnie. I believe that
- calling FZT "Thiefware" is going a bit too far, though. Please don't start
- slamming the software for mistakes I have made.
- This has all been a learning experience for me, I must say. FZT has
- been spread around the globe by word-of-mouth advertising. It has been
- built up with a reputation of being some of the finest Shareware ever to
- appear for the ST. If you have sent in your registration fee, then it seems
- that you believe this too. It hurts to see people accusing me of
- "destroying the reputation of all ST shareware." But I believe they are
- referring to my customer support, not my programming abilities.
- If you have sent in your registration, and received it in a satifactory
- period of time, I would hope that you would let others know this. If you
- have sent in your registration, and are only now getting your registered
- copy, I would hope that you would let others know that I am not a crook,
- that the software performs as advertised, and that my customer support
- leaves a little to be desired.
- If you have not sent in your registration due to the fact that you have
- heard other talk about not getting their registration, that is your choice.
- I hope that you don't hold this against me for all of eternity. If in some
- point in the future, you hear from satisified customers that you will
- consider sending in your registration. I am only a guy with a an ST who
- likes to program, and is has gotten a little behind on sending out
- registered copies.
- People have asked me "what's taking so long?". Really, there are a
- number of things. With version 2.11, I sent out 37 bad .KEYs. Version 2.11
- had some major flaws, and I was out a bit of money on materials and postage.
- With v2.11 went the St. Patricks Day Special, in which I mentioned that I
- would send out registered copies in 3 days after receiving them. This was a
- mistake, seeing as with a bad program and bad key creator, it would take me
- a bit of time to make sure that there would be no problems with this
- version. On top of this, I was literally flooded with orders with the St.
- Patty's Day Special. Soooo many people registered this month that the floor
- of my room has been covered with stacks of registrations ready to be entered
- into the registered user database/key creator. And lastly, I believe that I
- have developed a little bit of computer burnout. For the past month or so,
- the last thing I have had the energy to do has been to it down with the
- computer and fix up FZT, answer countless messages and e-mail on the
- networks, and send out registrations.
- Anyway, enjoy the latest version of FreeZe Dried Software's greatest
- creation, the FreeZe Dried Terminal!
- Aaron Hopkins
- Author, The FreeZe Dried Terminal
- The FreeZe Dried Terminal v2.12
- --- ------ ----- -------- -----
- I. Quick Setup of FzDSTerm to your system ................ [SET]
- II. New Stuff ............................................. [NEW]
- III. Use of the New .KEYs .................................. [KEY]
- IV. What You Might Find in Future Versions ................ [FUT]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [SET] - Quick Setup
- ----- -----
- If you have a configuration file from Version 2.03 or below and are
- either using monochrome or are on a TT, please delete your current config
- file (FZDSTERM.CFG). Also, if you delete your config, FzT has the new
- protocols installed as defaults. If you keep your config, you will need to
- install these protocols by hand.
- Follow these steps to quickly configure FzDSTerm to your system and create a
- configuration (FZDSTERM.CFG) file: (Most of the options have presets, if these
- are not suitable to your tastes or needs, feel free to change them.)
- 1. If you do not have a Hard Drive, you may wish to use a RAM Disk as a fast
- drive which FzDSTerm will use to keep the protocols and other temporary
- files for increased productivity. If you want to use this feature,
- install a RAM Disk now. (HRAMDISK.PRG is recommended for this.)
- 3. It will pop up a fileselector asking you to locate the config file.
- Since you currently don't have one, click on Cancel.
- 4. An alert box will appear telling you that it couldn't find the config
- file and that it will be using defaults. Hit return.
- 5. Another alert box will ask you what type of modem to set up for. If you
- have a 300, 1200, or 2400 baud modem click on "Generic 2400". If you have
- a USR HST or similar high-speed modem click on "USRobotics HST".
- 6. A Quick Setup menu will appear next. This is where you can set all of
- your defaults before you begin using FzT:
- 7. It will default to 2400 baud, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit, No CTS/RTS,
- No XON/XOFF, Full Duplex, No Echo, No Linefeeds, Capture Open, VT-52
- Emulation. If you need to change any of these, click on RS-232 config
- and do so. Click on EXIT when you are done.8. a) Click on Default
- Paths. You may specify specific paths for most different types of
- files. Click on a path to change it. I prefer to make seperate paths
- for everything, I like to be organized, but you may
- leave them all to the default.
- b) If you are without a Hard Drive and have decided to use a RAM Disk as
- a fast drive, you will need to install it. Click on "Ramdisk" and when
- the fileselector appears, move to the path for the RAM Disk in the
- fileselector, and click on "OK".
- c) Hit UNDO or the right mouse button when you are done.
- 9. a) Click on Initialization strings.
- b) Next, use the arrow keys to move to the Current Area Code. If you are
- in the US or Canada, enter your current area code.
- c) If you are in the US or Canada, and your phone number is in the
- format of (xxx) yyy-zzzz, where (xxx) is your Area Code, you may wish to
- use the locked format dialing system in FzT. This is best for people
- who don't dial internationally, and don't need to change modem settings
- for different BBSes. FzT will default to "Free format", if you feel
- that the locked format is more suited toward your needs, select "Free
- Format Phone", and hit Return twice to skip through the conversion
- dialogs.
- d) If you want to change any of the preset Init strings, do so. When
- you are done, click on EXIT.
- 10. Click on Save Config to write your configuration to the current path, and
- then EXIT to go on.
- 11. You will be presented with the Main Menu. Enjoy!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [NEW] - Whats New?
- ----- ---
- v2.12
- -----
- o The dialer has been fixed. In v2.11, there was a minor bug in the
- initialization routines that handled dialing the modem, etc. It would
- read and send one character past the end of the dial string, meaning it
- sends one garbage character after the dial command. On some modems, this
- is not a problem. On others, it recognizes this as an abort, and ends the
- dial before it begins. This has been fixed.
- o FzT now works in TT Medium. This is good news for many users of TTs who
- hate switching down from TT Medium. Along with 16 colors in TT Medium Res
- comes both benifits and problems. I haven't looked hard enough to
- discover how to set colors in TT rezes, so FZT won't change any colors
- there. There also comes something kinda new to Ataris: full color ANSI
- graphics. To make them look right, you should set your colors to:
- 1 - Red 2 - Green 3 - Yellow 4 - Blue 5 - Magenta 6 - Cyan
- with a white foreground(15) and a black background(0). 16 color ANSI is
- produced on IBMs by setting each of the above eight colors to high
- intensity. This effect can't be done on STs or TTs right, but I could use
- the other 8 colors on the TT to simulate this effect.
- o The speed of the "Strip" function in the scrollback has been greatly
- increased. After watching it redraw 22 lines of a single ANSI animation
- (which took like 20-30 seconds with strip on) I decided to rewrite that
- code a little. Last night I scrolled through 80 messages in an ANSI
- animation base with strip on in 28 seconds. This is roughly a 1,000%
- increase in speed. I like it.
- o A bug in the line counter routine in the scrollback set the text to black
- on black every once in a while using FZT in monochrome. This has been
- fixed.
- o Autolearn logon has been changed a bit. There were a few bugs which would
- produce strange results. It should function a little better now. If not,
- you can always edit the autologs by hand. <g>
- o FzT should no longer screw up settings in the sound chip (which also
- controls many ports, such as the serial and parallel). Do to an oversight
- on my part, FzT reportedly caused some printers to stop functioning
- correctly along with some accelerator boards. (It would switch them to
- 8Mhz.)
- v2.11
- -----
- o Background dialing has been added. This will allow you to wait for a
- connection to a number while doing other things in the program. To enable
- it, simply select the "BackGnd" button in the Autodialer, and begin
- dialing as usual. It will continue dialing as long as the user interface
- of the program remains in control. If you jump to a fileselector or an
- external program, it will be able to dial the next number until you
- return. (You may use your accessories, as long as they use windows for an
- interface rather than a dialog box.)
- o The way that FzDSTerm (and the FzDS Protocols) send to the serial port
- should be more stable on different versions of TOS.
- o The modem input processing in the term mode has been completely rewritten.
- I believe that this is much more stable, and is also much faster. (My
- quick tests show that it handles about 3 to 3.5k of ANSI a second on my
- machine. Not bad.) The autologs and automacros should not slow down the
- system substantially.
- o When jumping to the fileselector or going back to the desktop from
- FzDSTerm used to bring strange results. The mouse would act as though the
- left button was being pressed and released rapidly, causing it to select
- unwanted items. This has been finally fixed.
- o Mouse controlled scrolling has been slightly refurbished in both the
- scrollback and text editor. Control or caps lock selects mouse controlled
- scrolling in both, but you may now use the mouse pointer to select a block
- of text when control and caps lock are off. Hold down the mouse button
- and drag it across a section of text to select it for a block.
- o The floppy formatter has been fixed, and added something referred to as
- "FaST" format. Its done by setting the Interleave to 11 instead of 1.
- Supposedly, doing so increases the reading and writing speed of the floppy
- drive faster than "Twister", etc. I have not run speed trials on this,
- but I do believe it works. It now should generate MS-DOS compatible
- floppies, also. Because of a bug, FZT previously could not format
- unformatted disks on some systems. (Nice, eh?) This has been fixed.
- NOTE: "FaST" format only works on 9 sector disks. Also, MS-DOS will only
- read 9 sector, 80 track disks.
- o ASCII Send should work a bit better. It now only truncates the lines
- while sending a "Quoted" block. You should now be able to ASCII send
- VT-52, ANSI, etc screens now.
- o The Type Ahead buffer has been expanded to contain the last 10 entries you
- have typed using it. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to scroll through these.
- v2.10
- -----
- o The .KEY system has been adopted. Please read the next section for
- details.
- o The Monochrome interface has been completely redone. I believe
- there will be no more problems with reading or using FzT in monochrome.
- I'm sorry for any in convience this may have caused any of you.
- o The scrollback has been redone. Many more options are now included under
- the text editor style drop down menus.
- o An "Auto Learn Logon" feature has been included. With it, creating
- autologon sequences requires only a click of the mouse, and to log on to a
- BBS by hand one last time. It will fill in rest for you.
- o The speed of input processing has again been substantially increased. The
- autologs and automacros should slow down the system much less.
- o The speed of loading a text file into the text editor should be increased
- substantially.
- o An option has been included to disable the 1k Serial port output buffer
- which FzT usually installs. This seems to solve any problems with
- uploading using HSTs and Zmodem/Ymodem-G. (In RS-232 Config.)
- o The maximum size of the text editor and scrollback has been increased to
- 32,000 lines. Although I do NOT recommend taking them up that far, it is
- there if you need it.
- o A change has been made in the way FzT uses its memory. This SHOULD solve
- any problems with bombing.
- o An option has been added to ASCII send. If you select "Begin Send", it
- will not include the Prefix. If you select "Send Quoted", it will.
- (Previously to disable the Prefix, you had to delete the Prefix.)
- o After selecting the path for the ramdisk, you will now be asked if you
- wish to copy the Protocols, the Archivers, or both in the RamDisk at
- startup. (To conserve space in the ramdisk and time.)
- o Mouse controlled scrolling has been added to both the scrollback and text
- editor.
- o The editors for the Autodialer and Init Strings have been (finally!)
- redone. You may now use the arrow keys to go back into a line. (Instead
- of backspacing over the line to change something.) A button ("Edit")
- has been added to the autodialer which selects whether the cursor keys
- control the red selection bar or the edit cursor.
- o The Jump to Accessories feature has been improved. A small oversight on my
- part has in the past caused the mouse cursor to behave very strangely when
- selecting options under the menu bar.
- o In Init Strings, there is a button labelled "Char Delay", which allows you
- to specify a pause between characters when sending a dial command or init
- string to the modem. This should help some modems recognise commands sent
- by FzT.
- o When you have the "Auto Change Baud" option turned off and "No Dial While
- CD" selected, FzT will now connect when carrier detect goes on while
- dialing. For some modems (HSTs), the CD goes on much in advance of the
- "CONNECT ..." response. This will keep FzT from aborting the dial before
- the modem sends the "CONNECT".
- o A Print feature has been added to the autodialer, and might come in handy.
- o A new font has been put in, and the way FzT handles the fonts has been
- changed. You may now use the selected font in any menu that uses the TOS
- font.
- o Quite a few bug fixes, and I'm sure there are features which I have left
- out.
- v2.04 Demo
- ----- ----
- o A Beta-Test version of the FreeZe Dried Protocols has been included, and
- the default setup is included in FzDSTerm. (These protocols will
- eventually become an internal part of FzDSTerm, once perfected.) See
- FZDSXFER.DOC for more information.
- o In the autodialer, an option has been added to allow you to enter any
- combination of characters in the Phone Number field. This should fix any
- problems regarding the autodialer and international calling. (You may
- toggle this feature in the Init Strings/Dialer Setup menu.)
- o The speed of the ANSI processing has been improved somewhat. Through my
- (inaccurate) speed tests, I calculate that FzDSTerm should be able to
- process between 1,700 and 2,300 bytes of ANSI per second, depending upon
- what is being displayed. (This is with no other options enabled, besides
- autostart ZModem, using Turbo ST v1.84.)
- o Many cosmetic bugs have been fixed in Monochrome. Also, the color sliders
- have been replaced in mono with a large button allowing you to switch the
- foreground and background colors.
- o A bug in the default paths/ramdisk initialization made putting the
- protocols and archive tools in anything but the main directory not function
- if a ramdisk was not installed.
- o For TT Users: I have found some TTs where the carrier detect status is
- reversed from normal, and some where it is not. When first creating a
- config file, FzT will ask you the current status of your modem's carrier
- detect. From this, it will determine whether or not your TT's CD is
- reversed. (If anyone can offer a reason or explaination for this, let me
- know.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [KEY] - The New .KEY System
- --- --- --- ------
- I have completely changed the way in which FzT checks for registration.
- Previously, the registration information was an internal part of the
- program. This meant that all updates had to come from me, and also that to
- generate a registered copy, it was quite a hassle for both the users and
- myself.
- As of the registered version of 2.04 (not the demo version), this has
- changed. Now the registration info is kept in a seperate file, called a
- Key. This is the "key" to "unlock" the features of FzT. This key is loaded
- upon each bootup of FzDSTerm and its format is checked. If it is valid, all
- of the features which are disabled in the demo are available to you. This
- makes it much easier for you to get and use the latest version. All you
- have to do is download it from your local BBS and put it in the same
- directory as your .KEY.
- Starting with version 2.10, the demo and registered versions of the
- program for everyone will be exactly the same. The main advantage of this
- is that I can distribute the registered version everywhere, and only the
- people who have the .KEYs (who have paid) may use some of the features. I
- will send you the .KEY, and when the next version comes out instead of
- having to get it from me, you can use your current .KEY on the new version.
- This is faster for you, and less of a headache for me.
- The .KEY contains your name, address, phone number, serial number, etc.
- Much of this information is displayed when you first load FzT and when you
- click on the FzDS symbol on the main menu. I advise you to not give out
- your .KEY as it can easily be traced back to you by anyone. Its easy for you
- to check who a particular .KEY belongs to, and if its not yours, you are
- expected not to use it.
- How to set up the .KEY for FzDSTerm versions 2.04 Rel and above:
- 1. Rename your .KEY to FZDSTERM.KEY, if it is not already.
- 2. Rename the program to FZDSTERM.PRG.
- 3. Put the .KEY in the same path as your FZDSTERM.CFG (usually also with the
- 4. Run FzDSTerm
- If for some reason it tells you "KEY Not Valid! Please obtain a new one.",
- your KEY is not valid with that version of FzT. Contact me to get a new
- one. (You may either send for the $5 upgrade or call Hitchhiker's Guide To
- the Galaxy, the main FzDSTerm support board, and I will F-mail it to you.)
- I will try to make your .KEY work with all future versions, but I may be
- forced to change the format if some people don't follow the rules.
- I would like you to adhere to a few simple rules regarding .KEYs:
- 1. One .KEY may either be used by one user on multiple systems, or by
- multiple users on one system. Under no circumstances is a single key
- to be used by multiple users on multiple systems.
- 2. Under no circumstances may a .KEY be copied or archived except for backup
- purposes and to set FzT up on another system you SOLELY will be using.
- Transmitting (uploading) a .KEY anywhere for any reason is not allowed,
- except from me and to me on Hitchhiker's Guide. You may copy, archive, or
- transmit all other files except the .KEY and the registered versions of
- FZDSTERM.PRG v2.04 and below.
- 3. If I EVER find or hear about a "cracked" .KEY (one not generated by me,
- containing bogus registration info), I reserve the right to either:
- a. Immediately change the format of the .KEYs, causing all registered
- users to have to get new .KEYs.
- b. Go back to the old method, taking away this great way of operation.
- If people can't repect my right to only allow people to use all
- parts of FzT only if they've registered, I don't see why I should
- make it any easier for them.
- 4. If I ever find someone giving out their .KEY to other people, I will
- cancel their registration and make their .KEY invalid for future versions
- of FzDSTerm. If they want to be eligible for upgrades, they will have to
- pay again. If I feel that their .KEY has been spread around too much, I
- may choose to do any of the following under #3.
- NOTE: If you ever come across a .KEY that is not yours; send it to me, and I
- will make it worth your while. I would like to know if a key is being
- spread around. Either print a Hex dump of it and mail it to me, or send
- it to me on Hitchhikers.a
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [FUT] - What You Might Find in Future Versions:
- ---- --- ----- ---- -- ------ --------
- On the continual quest to perfect the FreeZe Dried Terminal, I plan
- to slowly add and change it to be able to handle everyone's needs. The
- following is a list of features which you might see later on:
- o Much improved documentation. I realize that the main documentation
- (FZDSTERM.DOC) in its present form does not help many people out with the
- complicated features of FzT. I have had several offers by people to write
- documentation for me, and I am having them submit a sample of the rewritten
- docs for me to compare. I am willing to offer a bit in return for this, if
- you are interested in trying out.
- o A new user interface is in the works. It should make FzT smaller, more
- consistant, easier to use, and resolution independant. If you have any
- gripes with or suggestions for the current user interface, please say so
- now, or it may harder to add to or change later.
- o VT-100, VT-102, VT-2xx, and VT-3xx emulations. I have had many requests
- for these. I have limited documentation on VT-100, but am looking for
- more. Please send me and documentation you may have on them!
- o If you like the FZDSXFER.TTP protocols, you should look forward to their
- improvement. We plan on adding Zmodem, among other things to the list of
- protocols. If they get to a point where I no longer include XYZ.TTP in the
- distribution, I will make them an internal part of FzT. (Extra slots for
- external protocols will always be available.) Please send me any
- documentation you may have on any protocols you would like to see added.
- (Such as Z-Modem, J-Modem, Compuserve B+, etc.)
- o Look forward the Instant Graphics emulation being improved. At the moment,
- the IGS in FzT is faster, but does only the graphics at the moment. Many
- of the extended commands and sounds are not currently supported.
- o The .DO Script files can be added to. If you would like to see them
- improved or a command added, let me know. (And send a list of commands
- you want to see!)
- o Background Transfers. We have been optimising the protocols for
- efficiency, and once we get them done, I will be willing to make them an
- .ACC, and run in the background. I believe this should be a nice addition,
- but I can give no guarantees on this one.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------